

Kylie, her mum Dorie and their 5 siblings (Amy, Buffy, Bruno, Saphira and Teddy) come from a gypsy camp. Unfortunately, the dogs are usually not doing well there. And so it was with this small family of dogs. They lived under a wrecked car. The little ones’ tails had even been cut off. Fortunately, a dear woman became aware of her and came to us for help. She and Elena finally managed to get the whole family off and so they moved in with us at the Place for Strays.


At her foster home with Elena, Bruno was able to quickly learn that he no longer has anything bad to fear from us humans. The wounds on their tails (which were simply clumsy and so incomprehensibly cut off after the birth!) Have now healed and they are always more trusting and, as is typical for puppies, more and more cheeky. Only when you hear loud noises do you notice that they are a little more scared than puppies who have not had these bad experiences.

The small, fat Kylie liked to be cuddled and stroked from the start, even if she was a bit suspicious at first. She always wiggles her legs. But on the Arn she becomes very calm and enjoys the caresses. You could tell that she wanted to trust, but she still needed a little time. In the meantime, our little fat lady has almost completely shed her fear. This is of course very good for her favorite pastime (cuddling). And optically, our sweet Kylie joins the club of the sweet look.